Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rose Petals & Clematis

Shhh! Don't jinx this now. I think, maybe, I hope, summer has arrived!

There's some good evidence to support the thought:
  • The temperature got up to nearly eighty today
  • I made strawberry leather, and didn't have to use the oven
  • I wore shorts for the first time this year
And the flowers in the yard are going nuts. Must be the two record-breaking months of rain we just had. A stroll through the yard was called for.

Looking down the walk inside the gate

Click on the photos to see them large, as per usual.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get pictures of the ten (count 'em, ten!) new Teakettle Characters. For now I'll just tell you what an odd sensation it was this morning to walk into the kitchen and see all those pairs of eyes looking at me! Kinda cool, but weird, too.

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