Friday, June 4, 2010


I spent Wednesday back in kindergarten! It was my granddaughter's last day of school, and I had the sweet pleasure of attending her class for the last part of the day, eating with her and my daughter at the school barbecue, and then playing for the rest of the afternoon.

On the way home from school, we scanned the passing homes and streets for fences. We traded, "Look at that one!" and "Oooh, that IS pretty!" comments for several minutes as I drove through Newberg. It's a little town, with lots of well kept turn-of-the-century homes, and there were lots of spring flowers to draw the eye.

In the end, it wasn't really a pretty fence I elected to photograph:


Doesn't it look great with some filters applied? I just love all the texture!

The last one is a "freebie". I looked out the kitchen window this morning, and ran for the camera. Ceili was standing on the top step of the deck, and drinking from the highest saucer of a six-saucer plant stand. I don't know. Maybe I'm just ga-ga over my little dog, but I thought it was cute.


  1. Sounds like summer is upon us...That's a great little watering hole! And the fence, I'm surprised it's still standing. Very pretty, even though it's seen better days.

  2. Ceili IS cute!
    I like that texture as well. The filter does make it interesting.

  3. are gaga...but it is cute :)


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