Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"TIME FOR DINNER!" Recipe Tins Tutorial

Okay, admit it. You were so sure there’d be a way to use those spiffy metal tins you used to get in the mail from AOL, the ones that held a CD, that you saved every one of them. Do you still have them? Because I finally found a way to use mine, and I’m so excited about it that I’m going to show you what I did!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • CD tin
  • Gesso
  • Fabric
  • Cut outs from old magazines
  • Alphabet Stickers, or the word “Recipe” cut from a magazine or book
  • Small adornments–Lace, Buttons, string, etc.
  • Glue
  • Every pair of scissors you own (Just kidding, but you’ll be cutting paper and cloth a variety of ways.)
  • Sheet of paper or plastic for template

First, protect your work surface, then paint your tin on all sides with the Gesso. You don’t need to paint the inside.

Let that dry. If you have a second tin you haven’t painted, you can go ahead and trace around it to make a template/pattern. (Or you could do this step before doing the painting.) There’s a bit of a bead around the rim of the tin where the top goes over the bottom, so be sure you don’t use that edge to draw around, or your pattern will be too big.

Choose the fabric you’re going to use for the background, if you haven’t already, and lightly trace around you pattern. (Placement is easier if you’ve used something transparent for the pattern–the lid from a take-out box works well, or a sheet protector.) Use pinking shears to cut fabric out.

You could glue the fabric to your tin now, or do what I did, which was to cut an identical piece from an old book and sew all the way around. I find it’s easier to glue the paper down flat than fabric, to tell the truth, but I also liked the look of the stitching.

Now the real fun begins. Go through your old magazines and/or cookbooks, and find images and slogans you like. If you can’t bear to cut the actual book, you can make copies to use.

Arrange the pictures and words you’ve found on the fabric-covered tin lid. Leave room for “Recipes” if you want to include that. Glue everything down securely.

Last, use your paper pattern to cut a piece for the back of the tin from the index of an old cookbook.

Put recipe cards inside to finish. I made my own, but store-bought works just fine.

These are like potato chips for me. I just can’t stop, and I’m thanking my lucky stars these are no-calorie treats!


  1. You are so talented! I bet the things that you've saved for future idea's are plentiful... If I would have saved them, I'd be asking for your address right now!

  2. very cool! I love this idea! This would make a great shower or wedding present to include with kitchenware.
    Or fill it with sentiments from just you or from a group.

  3. Oh you super smart little girl. I wish I have ever gotten them in the mail but nope I don't remember ever getting one. What fun though! XXXXXMollye They're cute as cute can be.


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