Saturday, May 8, 2010


I was going to post this last night, but my camera appears to think camera cards are a tasty snack, and devours them on a regular basis. All I can say is, the $20 I spent on a Card Recovery program a few months back has been worth every nickel and more.

But recovering the files did take some time, as the program finds each and every photo that has ever been on the card before doing its job. But I digress.

I saw this fence yesterday. Just one photo, but it's a cool fence. Click on it to see it BIG.

By the way, several people have commented in the past that they find themselves looking at fences with new interest, and looking forward to the Friday Fence Posts. That really feels wonderful!


  1. That is a cool fence and love all the flowers around it! I tend to pay more attention to fences now for some reason too! :D

  2. I love the fence and I am enjoying your whole blog ~ so full of whimsey and cool things!

    I will post about your bottle today or tomorrow. I got some very good photos of all of your treasures.

    Please let me know when you get yours ( I really hope you got it by Sat.) Your bottle was so fantastically done ~ I know I could never top it! You are such a queen of knowing exactly how to swap and I am so blessed!!! XO

  3. Very cool! And yes, I do see myself looking at fences differently since I started reading your blog :)


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