Friday, April 9, 2010


The first thing I want to say is, "Thank you, MizMollye, for putting together this bunny swap! It was so much fun!"

There were two coincidences with my swap partner, the one who sent to me, that made me blink. First was the last name on the return address--the same as my maternal grandparents, my mom's maiden name. The second was when I looked at my little bunny's back--hand-written under the dress is "MT's Whimsey", my dad's first and middle initials! The script even resembled Dad's hand, and for just an instant I thought I was looking at something he'd written.

Here's a photo of the contents of my surprise package:

I'm looking forward to eating the candy, using the notepad and stickers (I LOVE stickers), and seeing the dish towels in my kitchen, although I don't see how I could bring myself to actually use the round scrubber and get it dirty.

And the bunny? I think it will just live right where I photographed it, because it makes me smile every time I see it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just adore the big footed bunny. Shezadoozey for sure. And I'm glad you met a new friend. Cathy Parker right? She truly has a unique blog doesn't she. And I'm glad you want to play the bottle swap with me. Happy weekend sister, Mollye


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