Friday, February 26, 2010


It's Etsy Bloggers blog carnival time! I've chosen the topic, "If I could go anywhere...."

Now, that's kind of a tough decision, when I start thinking about places like New Zealand, where my stepdaughter, granddaughters, and darling great-grandson live, or Edinburgh, Ireland, England, steeped in history and the music I love, or white beaches verged by turquoise seas.

In point of fact, though, it's simple: My dream destination is anywhere I take my camera!

I'll illustrate with some of today's crop of photos. I spent three and a half hours in a basement, helping a friend with her mom's estate sale. (Don't worry; her mom's still very much alive, but recently moved into a retirement center.) I had a great time, because every chance I got, which was anytime there weren't shoppers down there, my camera was clicking away.


  1. You can take something so simple and make it so stunning!
    I love your photos!

  2. love the wiring through the wood! Looks SO familiar! And I love those old pencil sharpeners! Those are the best! {:-D

  3. very cool pictures! If I had your skills, I think my fave place would be wherever my camera is too :)

  4. Anitra Your passion for capturing the uniqueness of each image is contagious. Love your work! XXMollye

  5. Looks like you had fun :) I need to take my camera with me more places...


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