Monday, January 11, 2010


Allow me to introduce Ollie, a dear friend and former movie star:

Ollie used to play a lot of Canasta, and then that went out of fashion, so he switched to Pinochle, and then Pai Gow poker, a casino game that sucked him in because of its 50/50 odds. You ask why Ollie was in a casino to begin with? He had that movie star ego, and took to drinking and gambling after everyone forgot his starring role in “The Cookie Jar Mysteries”, and started using him to store their work gloves for easy access when the weeding impulse suddenly swooped over them.

Not to worry, though. Ollie has a great analyst, got over the come-down, and actually learned to love being an accessory to gardening. He doesn't drink so much anymore. Still plays Pai Gow, though. It's a pleasant game.


  1. looks like he enjoys the garden. Lovely glasses - he's a looker! {:-D

  2. Hilarious! Your creations' stories are great. :)

  3. WOW he has got "sex appeal" written all over him!!! (take a look at Edith she is giving him"the look" I do hope they are not in the garden alone at night !!!

  4. Looks like he'd be good at Pinochle! I haven't played that game in waaaay to long!


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