Thursday, December 17, 2009


Goodness. I have just Got to keep a closer eye on the calendar. I almost missed Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day! There are just two hours and fifteen minutes left to celebrate!

I am, however, prepared. Not to do it myself, of course. I've seen where that plunger has been, and I am not touching any part of it but the handle, and that reluctantly. No, I have People to do the actual wearing of the plunger for me:

My tree is up, though undressed. Tomorrow, my daughter is coming for a game of Scrabble. Maybe she'll help put some ornaments on, a pleasure I haven't shared with my kids since they left home, well over ten years ago.

Also tomorrow: Oatmeal Muffin Day. I am flat out of oatmeal. Must remedy that!


  1. Gadfry, so glad you mentioned this - would have missed it =p *grabs plunger and looks for hapless victim*

  2. mmmmm.. want to celebrate but don't want to have a plunger on my head... mmmmmmm.... (-_-!)


  3. I would NEVER wear my plunger on my head! Who made that day up? I guess you'd have to go out and buy a new one. :)

  4. So many fun holidays...LOL!

    Enjoy your time with your daughter :)

  5. Why would someone make that up? Maybe plumbers?

    Funny picture, too:)

  6. Yes Yes NICO The National Order of Plumbers instated this day when they helped put in INDOOR plumbing IN all the bathrooms in San Francisco . I was there what a FLUSH or I mean rush.
    Feels so much better when everything works well..

  7. OH I am the little child on the floor (!) sorry I did not mention that. I wore that plunger all day and now have a permanent round part on the top of my head. Which is why I became a hairdresser.

  8. Majeral, you crack me up!

    My DH was very disappointed that I hadn't alerted him in time. He had planned to wear one down to the hardware store. "Now," he says, "If I do it, I'll just look stupid." Poor man!

  9. Please visit my blog, as that I am so impressed with your pieces of art, that I featured you as my Artisan of the Week. Merry Christmas!

  10. Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl I missed it too. Well slap me silly I just hate when that happens!

    I wanted to drop by and wish you, hubs and all the youngins, kith and kin the most joyous Christmas ever. Holiday hugs my frined, Mollye

  11. What a fun picture, though I might wear a plunger on my head after a few glasses of wine, even then it would have to be a brand new right from the store...not one that's been here in the house and been used.

    Happy New Year


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