Thursday, November 19, 2009


I've worked most of the day on this, the Christmas Organizer cover. Shouldn't have taken so long, and wouldn't have, if I'd given up on the desktop computer sooner. Working on that reminded me of a major reason I use the laptop: That beast is S-S-L-O-O-O-W-!

Here it is, and I must say, I'm quite pleased.

Aack. There's a little voice screeching in my very reluctant ear, But Melody wanted a back page, too, you know. Picture of you in your shop, stuff like that. If I think about that right now, my head will explode, and gray matter will get all over my sleeping husband.

"I'll think about it tomorrow!"


  1. Hilarious and great! Good that you gave your poor brain a rest, too-- you wouldn't want to clean up that mess. ;)

  2. Oh Ani girl, the cover is amazing! But it wouldn't be yours if it weren't ! Happy RELAXING weekend ahead??????????? Hugs, Mollye

  3. Very special lady!! neato... When does it hit the book shelves??

  4. That is so cute! I love your little coffee pot people!!

    I know you could get the hang of knitting, if you end up with more stitches all of the time, you are usually bringing your yarn across to the back instead of the front at the beginning of a row, making two bars across to knit.
    I'm looking for photos to show you.
    Love your blog
    Makes me look at my coffee pots in a new way

  5. Your "people" all look so great on the cover :)
    Can't wait to see you on the back as well :0

  6. I like the little one, flying around. Cute! {:-D

  7. That is totally awesome Anitra! You are very imaginative and creative.


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