Friday, November 13, 2009


This is not the fence I intended to shoot today, but somehow I couldn't find that one. Must have driven right past it, since it's on the street where I live. It can wait.

In the meantime, as I drove through the Beaumont neighborhood, winding my way south, I suddenly noticed this fence. Gotta admit, the fence itself is unremarkable. It was where it was that got my attention:

Other news: Holding my own on the bracelet-a-day thing, although I'm couple behind. But I don't feel bad, since I've also done, in the same two weeks, the recipe tins, eight of the "Coffee Pot People Celebrate Christmas" scenes, the project I haven't yet blogged, taken a day to go see my Mama and take care of my granddaughter, picked up fabric for the non-profit I'm a part of and worked there for a bit after that, made earrings to go with all the bracelets, blogged fairly regularly, and kept up (mostly) with all the household chores you'd expect, plus the beginnings of a room-by-room deep cleaning. Oh, and I made a shirt and hat for the dog. She looks so cute!

I am, however, beginning to have those, "I have no life" thoughts that signal maybe I should slow down just a little. Maybe next week.


  1. Lovin' the red doors with the fence :)

    You've been super busy lately! Life...what's that...LOL :)

  2. That's really cool :)

    Don't forget to breath!

    Try treating yourself to some fun music :D

  3. ok, enough is enough already. Slooooooooooooooooow down. Ya know smell the roses and all that sort of stuff. I've heard it'll make you live a little longer and as they say in the grand scheme of things this time next year who really will give a good rats a--. Hugs, Mollye


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