Saturday, October 10, 2009


I've been selling patterns in my AniWatersprite shop. It lets me pass along patterns, and puts money in my PayPal account, but do you know what I like best about it? I love packaging them up to send!

Today seemed like a good day to show one of them, ready to go into its mailing envelope:

My packaging has kind of evolved, until I'm basically gift-wrapping each pattern before slipping it into its Manilla envelope. Usually, I put in a little extra, too--a pretty button, usable ephemera, or somesuch.

How do you package your things? What tips/hints would you give?


  1. I use little organza bags for my charms. They're just so cute, or weird, that they deserve the extra-special packaging.

    Love the little sticker on your package!

  2. That's really pretty! I'm working on "evolving" my packaging right now!

  3. I'm not a good packager! I usually put my jewelry in a plastic bag, along with my business postcard, then they go into a padded (used) envelope. I need to do better packaging! {:-D

  4. What a pretty package for your pattern! I package most of my items in clear lip-and-seal bags, with a logo label affixed to it. I also include a special surprise in a handmade envelope as a thank you.

  5. Your packaging is wonderful. I see others that are great too and feel that I am really lacking in that area though I have everything to do better, but "motivation" isn't budging!

    I put my jewelry into the appropriate size jewelry box and into a recycled padded envelope with a little gift in the box with the piece and my card.

    Motivation needs to have a session with my therapist me thinks!

  6. Oj this is good. I have received gifts at times where the packaging was more special than what was inside, and on a more inquisitive note, what kind of patterns are you selling?

  7. I tend to wrap both my bags & patterns in tissue paper with some hemp cord wrapped around it & tuck in my biz postcard, thank you note (wonderfully handmade by fellow Etsians) and biz cards...I will put it in a ziploc (patterns) or small trash bag in case of rain. I do want to get better at extras - but am at a loss usually...sometimes a keychain with a purse


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