Friday, October 23, 2009


I was driving through a nearby neighborhood the other day when I spotted the gate, and bit of fence here. I knew if I waited even a day or two, a gust of wind might scatter the leaves, and the beauty I'd seen would be gone, at least until next fall. So the minute I got home, I grabbed the camera, and drove back.

There's a lot more gate than fence in this picture, but I think it's just luscious:

Whew. Long day today. Was up at 6:30, finished packing up China Blossoms and Tea Kettle Characters, while DH loaded the van and car. Then it was off to Alberta-Rider School, where we unloaded and set up my little space for Art in the 'Burbs. The show started at 3, and lasted until 9pm, and will continue through the weekend.

It's 10:30 now, and I've been home long enough for a peanut butter sandwich and piece of pie. Petted our litte doggie, too, who was beside herself to see me, after my day-long absence.

Off to bed now. Good night, World, and sky and hello sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that fence is gorgeous! Thanks for going back for the picture. :)

    Good luck with the show!


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