Saturday, October 3, 2009


It seems I'm falling behind on that "Picture a Day" thing. I did take a picture last night, though, so I'll post it as today's.

Mama, Uncle Darrell, my brother Wayne, and I had gone to Cousin Butch's funeral, and then come back to Aunt Charlotte's, in Hood River. (The funeral was in Hermiston, a drive of something over two hours from Charlotte's.) It's times like these that make me realize that as "close" a family as we feel, there are some physical distances to be dealt with. Wayne lives about four hours' drive from Charlotte's, Mama about three hours, and me one. Uncle Darrell lives near Hood River.

Anyway, the upshot of that is we don't often get together all in one room, so when we do it's pretty special.

After the long drives, emotionally draining funeral, wake, and the lovely dinner we had at Charlotte's, we were all worn out and sagging with fatigue, but no one wanted to go to bed. We sat in the living room, and just talked and talked and talked. Uncle Darrell dozed off from time to time, and we'd look at him and each other and smile, but there were so many stories to tell, so much reminiscing to do.

I suddenly realized what a precious gift we had been given, and got up and got my camera:


  1. First, I am sorry for your loss. You are very blessed to have a family, and a closeness nonetheless!

    Second, another blessing to share time together, squeezing out every second and reveling in the joy of being together.

    Love the photograph!

  2. So glad you got to spend some precious time with your family :)


  3. I'm sorry it was a funeral that brought you all together, but I'm happy for you that you got to spend the time with your family!

  4. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Although funerals are an upsetting time, they can bring families together and remind them that each moment spent with each other is precious. I'm so happy you were able to capture this special night.

    My prayers are with you and your family.

  5. Oh, and that is the best part of funerals--that wonderful,enwrapping family love! That is a true celebration of the life of a loved one.

  6. Oh Anitra honey, I am so sorry I didn't know about your family loss. I've been in the hospital for a few days and out of the loop. So glad you had the time with them all and it helps to draw from each others strength that God provides to us in those times. I'll be thinking of you all. Mollye

  7. I'm sorry about the loss of our cousin, but glad that all of your family members are able to get together, despite the driving distances. My family and my husband's are both in Wisconsin, 6 and 7 hours least what's left of the family. There have been some losses in the last few years.


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