Sunday, September 13, 2009

PICTURE A DAY, 09/13/09

Today was great. Got a fair amount of stuff done in the morning and early afternoon--couple loads of laundry, made sure the RV was cleaned up and ready, loaded in the non-perishable groceries, practiced my flute and singing, among other things.

By 3pm, I had loaded flute, mike, and mike stand, conga drum, and camera into the car and was headed over to Craig's, to carpool with the rest of the band to our gig at the Red Lizards Running Club's End of Summer party.

I wanted to get photos of our band, but I didn't know anyone there who wasn't a band member. No one to turn my camera over to. There were people taking pictures, though, and last year they posted one on their website, so I'm hoping they do the same again. I did get a lovely, peaceful, photo of Lorna, tuning her guitar beforehand.

So that was my Picture for Today, but I have to show this admittedly slightly-out-of-focus video, with apologies for the sound quality as well. I am no videographer. The thing is, we'd played our set, and I was sitting on a bench listening to the other band, when I noticed the tree near one of the speakers. Each time there was a particularly strong beat or burst of sound, the leaves right in front of the speaker twitched. They looked for all the world like green parrots dancing to me.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Our band, by the way, got very good reviews from the attendees. Lots of compliments, especially on the vocal harmonies, which are a special pleasure for the four of us. I haven't mentioned our name. It's Swappin' Lies. We've been asked back for next year's party.


  1. Oh Anitra, How cool is this? Please give us some more pictures and yep music too. Love that you still play your flute. My oldest daughter Lori age 47 played flute but has not picked it up in years. I'm gonna tell her about you. Wish I could have been there. As the kids say. Way cool. Hugs, Mollye

  2. lol that is very good.. Yup looks like the "little green parrot" is grov'n to the tunes..


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