Monday, August 3, 2009


Okay, I'll admit it: When John called his dad and told him he, Kristy, and the kids, would be over in a few minutes, I freaked out just a bit.

This is show season, and I've been rushing from one show to the next. The house shows it, with dishes stacked in odd places, waiting to be de-labeled, washed, and sorted, Coffee Pot People in various stages of completion standing on the deck, the kitchen counter loaded with Tea Kettle Characters and their parts, paperwork on the dining table, and the various virtual debris that accumulates when you indulge in too much Stop-Drop-Run living.

On the other hand, John and Kristy hadn't come over in forever, and we had missed their presence here in a very big way, so YAY! I did a compressed and efficient scurryfunge, and the embarrassment level ratcheted back down to bearable levels.

Then they were here, and the fun began. A leisurely stroll through what passes for our yard ensued, with its bare dirt waiting for lawn, and pots of plants waiting for beds, garden equipment and tarps littering the place. It's going to be beautiful. I can see it in my mind. In the meantime, though, its all dust and dreams.

We decided to make ice cream. Our little granddaughter, Piper, tends to be a tad shy at the beginning of every visit. That activity was bound to pull her out, and besides, what's better than home made ice cream on a hot Sunday? (Easy, no-machine-needed recipe here.)

Putting the salt into the bags of ice

How long did you say to shake the bag?

Papa's hands are cold!

The proof was in the eating!

Hmmm. Good to the last drop!

After that, the kids requested swing time:

Big brother won't let me fall.


It was a sweet visit that made me crave more. Cannot wait to get the yard finished!

After John & Kristy left, Bob and I hit the estate sale list, had lunch, and then I worked in my shop until I couldn't bear the heat any longer, even with the fan going. It was a sweltering 95+ by then, and I retreated to the indoors until it cooled off enough to do the watering.

Today's forecast: Just 88!

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