Thursday, July 16, 2009


Meggie and I went to Mom's yesterday. High on our priority list was an activity sure to please: Making ice cream.

It was all Mama and I could do to get Meggie and her cousin Ariel to eat lunch, much less wait until afterwards for the ice cream making. At long last, though, we gathered the implements and ingredients of desire, and headed for the deck.

I found this recipe in a magazine last week, and couldn't wait to try it. Ice cream in ten minutes, without a machine? Really? The DH and I gave it a shot while RV camping in the Hood River Valley. He declared it both fun and delicious. I declared it something wonderful to share.

You will need:


  • 1 cup milk OR cream OR a mixture of the two
  • 1 teas vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 4 cups ice
  • 1/4 cup rock salt
  • 1 quart-size resealable plastic baggie
  • 1 gallon-size resealable plastic baggie
Good to have, but not on the ingredients list:

1 Great-grandma who will stand in the sun, making shade for you!

Step one: Pour the milk into the quart size bag. Putting the bag into a stiff container saves spills.

In goes the milk

Step two: Add the vanilla.

Ari adds vanilla

Step three: Add the sugar.

In goes the sugar!

Step four: Set the smaller bags aside, and switch to the gallon size. Put four cups ice in the big bag.

Is this why we have our gloves and mittens?

Step five: Add the rock salt to the ice.

It helps to take turns holding the bags open.

Step six: Put the sealed quart size bag inside the gallon bag, and seal.

One inside the other, both sealed.

Step seven: Shake like crazy!


Step eight: Assemble your eating crew, and divide the spoils!

And a good time was had by all!

As you may have gathered from the pictures, we made the recipe twice at the same time, with bags and ingredients for both Meg and Ariel. The two bags provided ice cream for four children and two adults, although they were small. When Bob and I did ours, we fixed a bag for each of us, and ate it all. On the other hand, we skipped dinner and went straight for the ice cream!

Now I want to do it again, with flavors. Peanut butter? That would be good. Chocolate goes without saying. Oh! How about peach-almond? Okay. My diet is in serious danger here.


Anonymous said...

Wow, making kids work to get their dessert, hmmm, good lesson :D

Such a cute video of the shaking process. Lovely documentation, I enjoyed reading this entry.