Sunday, June 7, 2009


I mentioned on Friday the storm we had. It was brief, and in this area not particularly damaging, although elsewhere there were trees knocked over, weather-induced traffic snarls, and branches strewn on the ground. One amazingly fortunate fourteen-year-old boy uttered the fateful words, "What's the worst that could happen?" and went outside to watch the lightning. The lightning did not avoid him, and he took a direct hit to the head. His brother said the bolt seemed to enter his head, and exit his chest. Believe it or not, the boy never lost consciousness, and seems to be fine, other than a few burns.

At our house, the crab apple tree lay its branches in a swooning drape across the top of the lawn swing, and the rose arbor assumed a slant quite forty-five degrees off vertical, no small feat, since it took two roses and a clematis with it.

The crab apple tree is slowly recovering. The arbor was righted today by the Dear Husband:

Just to the left of this photo, barely out of sight, a pink rose is going completely crazy with bloom, rising from behind the curry plant, whose blossoms haven't opened, but will be a lovely shade of yellow when they do.

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