Friday, May 1, 2009


Time for a Friday Fence Post! I found this one down in Arizona last month, and was struck by how dry the wood is, and the bleached silver-gray of it. You know without even touching the wood that it has virtually no weight to it, and I suppose that fascinates me because wood here is full of moisture, damp to the touch, and heavy. (Mostly, anyway. It's not as though wood never get dry here!)

These first few pictures are undoctored, except for some judicious cropping.

I loved the flow of the wood's grain around this knothole.

The weathered top of a fence post

After cropping the photos above, I started to play. It's my way of teaching myself PhotoShop, and sometimes the results are pretty cool.

That's it, our fence for the week! (By the way, clicking on a photo will give you the full size version, some of which are very large. Pushing the F11 key on your keypad will give you more screen, less verbiage top and bottom. Return to normalcy by pushing F11 again.)

In other news, a cold has been dogging me all week. I have spent the great majority of my time in bed, and I'm growing bored with that routine. I vow to create something tomorrow, paint a face on a tea kettle person or nine, make a bracelet, crochet a doily for the roof--ANYTHING that feels productive.

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