Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Saturday was the 10th annual Alberta Art Hop, here in Portland, Oregon, and my first time participating. And a glorious day it was! I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about it. Instead, I'll just put the photos up, and let them speak for themselves, with the occasional comment.

My booth

The booth next door

I really liked her work!

A lull in the action brought music

While "next door" a massage relaxed and soothed

Sunny & hot

Vendors found their own shelter

Creating on the spot

Finished work on the flipside

Canvas is where you find it. Same artist as above

My Mega Blossoms, mere shadows of themselves

Shadow play

Members of March Forth! Marching Band

Definitely not your traditional, garden variety marchers!

It was a great day. More fun than profit, but, as I told my husband later, it was definitely more money than I'd have made sitting home. Looking forward to doing it again next year, when (I hope!) the economy has picked up!


  1. I love the Shadow Photos - I hope to see them as cards in your shop. ~Erin~

  2. looks like you had a wonderful time
    Great pictures


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