Friday, April 10, 2009


The Etsy Blogger Carnival choices this time focus on Earth Day, which is coming up on April 22. One of the questions we bloggers might chose to answer is, "What is green in your shop?"

Well, that's easy enough. Virtually everything in my shop is "green". My art materials are what I find at estate sales, garage sales, thrift stores, and other people's junk piles, and I use those found/recycled materials to make...

Coffee Pot People

Tea Kettle Characters

China Blossoms

Mega Blossoms

And Button Stack Jewelry

Most of what I've put in this post isn't in my shop right now, either because I've already sold it, or because I don't have it listed yet, but this is a pretty good representation of my art. I say "pretty good" because (standard disclaimer here) I'm ADD, and, well, showing more than the tip of the art iceberg would probably be way more than you want to see or know!


Comments make my day--I LOVE hearing from you!