Saturday, March 21, 2009


We picked the right week to be here. In my opinion, anyway. This is the week the RV park has its park-wide patio sale. I was up and ready for it when it started, and to my surprise, so was the husband unit. We got on our bikes, and wound our way from street to street, down one, and up the other, looking for the patio sales.

I was on a quest. The only thing keeping me from finishing those five white button-stack bracelets was a shortage of white beads. I needed only ten, and I had that many, but they weren't, somehow, just the right ones.

Of course, if it has beads on it, I'm going to look, whatever the color. I'm not nuts. Or maybe I'm just not that focused, that I could pass up pretty beads just because they weren't exactly what I was supposed to be looking for.

This is what I ended up with, after perusing all the sales:

Just look at those gorgeous green beads! And the lime-olive greens of the hoop earrings. The copper, silver, and pink-centered earrings, I'll wear, but the rest of the jewelry I'll take apart. The white earrings contain all the white beads I need, and more, including what appears to be four swarovki crystals.

And the entire lot cost me a total of $4.50! Oh, I do love garage sales.

I also got myself a darling little housedress or nightie, totally vintage, and cute, and very lightweight cotton. That was a whopping fifty cents. I'll see if I can't get a photo of it tomorrow.